Health is wealth as the saying goes, but unfortunately not many people understand the importance of this important asset. The great physician Hippocrates once told about the importance of health and told what steps should be taken to keep oneself fit and healthy. Read on…

1. One of the most important factors to good health is proper and balanced diet. A balanced diet consists of eating lot of green leafy vegetables, fresh juicy fruits etc. One should also eat fishes, eggs and meat which are good source of iron, vitamins, proteins and all sorts of omegas. A good diet also contains dairy products such as milk, cheese etc. They are a good source of calcium. One should also intake optimum amount of water at regular intervals of time. This helps in releasing the toxins from the body. Also, one should eat at regular intervals in small instalments. This stops the body from getting bloated and keeps it light.

2. Apart from good diet, one should take optimum and proper exercise. A proper exercise regulates the blood circulation within the body and boosts the respiratory system. A walk for about fifteen minutes in the morning is enough to keep the body fit. During the early hours of the day, the air is fresh and hence it keeps the body refreshed and away from all the pollution.

3. Another important factor in keeping the body healthy is proper sleep. A proper 7 to 8 hours of sleep is must. Good sleep is key to good health. One should try to avoid late nights and follow the early to bed, early to rise, mantra.
4. A balanced and healthy lifestyle is important for good health. One should stay away from vices like drinking, smoking etc. It hampers one health.

Apart from all this one can resort to nutrition supplement like umac core marine phytoplankton available in Canada. Umac core marine phytoplankton can found in Canada in any drug store.

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